Carol Berenson

Educational Development Consultant

Carol works with faculty members and graduate students to enhance teaching practice through the development and delivery of evidence-based workshops and programs, and through one-on-one consultation. Carol both leads the Instructional Skills Workshop and trains faculty members to facilitate this peer-led program across campus. She also contributes to the work of teaching and learning committees in the faculties of science and arts.

Carol has taught at the University of Calgary, Mount Royal University, and the University of Lethbridge in sociology, women’s studies, and management programs for the past 13 years. She completed her PhD dissertation in 2014, supported by a SSSHRC Doctoral Fellowship. In partnership with a colleague from Biological Sciences, Carol received a University of Calgary Teaching and Learning Grant to explore the impact of a flipped classroom approach on students’ understanding of scientific inquiry in a large enrollment course.  Her research interests also include the internationalization of the university, and inclusivity and diversity in teaching and learning.   

  • Berenson, C. (2012). Menstruation by choice: The framing of a controversial issue. In L. Tepperman & A. Kalyta (Eds.), Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives(2nd Edition). Don Mills, ON.: Oxford University Press, pp. 197-201.
  • Berenson, C., Miller, L. J., & Findlay, D. A. (2009). Through medical eyes: The medicalization of women's bodies and women's lives. In B. S. Bolaria, & H. D. Dickinson (Eds.), Health, illness, and health care in Canada (4th Edition). Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd., pp. 239-258.   
  • Berenson, C. (2002). What’s in a name? Bisexual women define their terms. Journal of Bisexuality, 2(2/3), pp. 11-21.
  • Meadows, L.M., Thurston, W.E., Berenson, C.A. (2001). Health promotion and preventive measures: Interpreting messages at midlife. Qualitative Health Research, 11(4), pp. 450-463.
  • Berenson, C. & Barrette-Ng, I. (Upcoming 2014). Using a flipped-classroom approach to foster understanding the process of scientific inquiry in a large-enrollment biochemistry course: Preliminary research activities and findings.  Mount Royal University Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Banff, AB. 
  • Dyjur, P. & Berenson, C. (2014). Using rubrics to grade an online discussion board. Second Annual Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, University of Calgary Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, Calgary, AB.
  • Berenson, C. (2010). “It’s one thing to add to the list of things to do when you’re a girl”: Mapping the practices of menstrual management. University of Calgary Sociology Graduate Student Research Conference, Calgary, AB.
  • Berenson, C. (2009). Menstruation by choice: The framing of a controversial issue. Canadian Sociological Association, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.
  • Berenson, C. (2008). Menstruation as optional: Gendered practice; contested terrain. Canadian Sociological Association, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON.