Frances Kalu

Curriculum Development Specialist

As a faculty member with the Educational Development Unit, Frances works as a Curriculum Development Specialist and assists faculties, curriculum committees, and review teams with curriculum review and development projects. Within this role, she provides educational opportunities to develop capacity in faculty members understanding of the curriculum review process, develops resources for faculties, facilitates retreats and workshops, and provides individualized support as required by faculties.

In the past, Frances worked as a Curriculum Development Specialist at the Cumming School of Medicine, where she developed the Physician Assistant Program. She also has extensive experience teaching in the K-12 system and higher education. With a Masters in Educational Leadership, Frances is currently completing her PhD in Education, specializing in Curriculum and Learning.

Frances has an interest in developing foundational understanding of curriculum and the role curriculum plays in education. Her research interests include identity development, intercultural competency among faculty members, and inclusive education.


Kalu, F. U. (2016). Fiction as Research Practice: Short Stories, Novellas, and Novels (2013) by Patricia Leavy. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 62 (1), p. 130-133. Available at:

Latremouille, J., Grant, K., Kalu, F.U., Dodsworth, D., Knowlton Cockett, P.L., Mitchell-Pellett, M., & Paul, J. (2015). Reimagining Teacher Education through Design Thinking Principles: Curriculum in the Key of Life. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 13(1), 88-112. Available from:


Dyjur P. & Kalu, F.U. (2016). Including Diverse Perspectives: Analyzing Curriculum Mapping Data for Gaps and Opportunities. Presented at the Learning Outcomes Symposium, Toronto, Ontario.

Kalu, F. U. (2016, May). Developing a Competency –Based Medical Education Physician Assistant Program: Aligning the Curriculum. Presented at the University of Calgary, IDEAS Conference.

Kalu, F. U. (2016, May). Defining Oneself: Do I Choose My Identity or Does Society? Presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Congress, University of Calgary.

DeGroot, J., Kalu, F. U., Viceer, N., Urgoiti, G. R., & Brownell, K. (2016, April). Developing a professionalism education framework to support an appreciative culture of professionalism. Presented at the Academy for Professionalism in Health Care, 4th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA

Kalu, F. U. & Myhre, D. (2016, Feb.). Developing a Competency –Based Medical Education Physician Assistant Program: Lessons Learned. Presented at the Health and Medical Education Scholarship Symposium, University of Calgary, AB.

Kalu, F. U., DeGroot, J., & Viceer, N. (2016, Feb.). Developing a professionalism education framework to support an appreciative culture of professionalism within a medical school. Presented at the Health and Medical Education Scholarship Symposium, University of Calgary, AB.

Kalu, F.U., Latremouille, J., Knowlton Cockett, P.L., Mitchell-Pellett, M., & Dodsworth, D. (2015, May). Reimagining learning-teaching-curricular post-secondary student engagement in order to foster deep learning and critical thinking through applications of Design Thinking. An interactive workshop at the University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Kalu, F.U. (2014, May). “Where Do You Come From?” Identity Formation, Belonging and School Support for Visible-Minority Youths. Presentation at the 2014, 83rd Congress for the Humanities and Social Sciences - Boundaries without Borders, Brock University, St. Catherine’s, ON.

Kalu, F.U. (2014, May). “Where Do You Come From?” Identity Formation, Belonging and School Support for Visible-Minority Youths. Presentation at the 2014 10th Annual Graduate Research Symposium - The Ivory Tower & Beyond, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Kalu, F.U. (2013, June). Navigating Identity Using Narrative. A poster exploring the use of narrative inquiry in qualitative research at the 12th Annual Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference 2013, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Kalu, F.U. (2013, May). “Where Do You Come From?” Identity Formation, Belonging and School Support for Visible-Minority Youths. Presentation at the 2013 RCIS conference “Immigration and Settlement: Precarious Futures?” Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.

Kalu, F.U. (2009, June). Will Innovative Strategies Improve ESL Students’ Writing in Year 2? Presentation at the 3rd Action Research Conference, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.