Nancy Chick

Academic Director of the Taylor Institute
University Chair in Teaching and Learning
Teaching Professor, English Department, Faculty of Arts

As Academic Director of the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, Nancy Chick is the public face (both on and off campus) of the Institute, while also serving as a leader within the Institute and its various units and groups. In these contexts, her #1 priority is bringing the vision of the Taylor Institute to life and helping others do the same.  As University Chair of Teaching and Learning, she leads a variety of initiatives and programs around the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and conducts her own research in SoTL. Knowing that SoTL occurs all around campus, she also supports colleagues who've been doing this work and who may be seeking larger communities.  In this work, she finds inspiration from the staff of the Taylor Institute, as well as a University of Calgary Faculty Advisory Board and an International Advisory Board.

As Teaching Professor in the Department of English (Faculty of Arts), she is a full, tenured professor and one of three specialists in American literature in the department. She is currently seconded to the Taylor Institute and will eventually join the English Department as a full-time faculty member. With Faye Halpern, she is co-developing and will be team-teaching a new pedagogy course for graduate students in the English Department in Winter 2018.

Nancy is also the founding co-editor (with Gary Poole of the University of British Columbia) of Teaching & Learning Inquiry, the journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL).  She worked with Libraries and Cultural Resources to bring the journal with her from Vanderbilt University, and on January 1, 2016, Teaching & Learning Inquiry became an open-access journal available to all.

View her online portfolio, which includes her publications, presentations, and biography.

See the UToday announcement of her appointment, and an interview conducted shortly after she arrived.