Patti Dyjur

Curriculum Development Specialist

As the curriculum development specialist, Patti assists curriculum committees and review teams with the curriculum review process. She provides information and offers guidance about the curriculum review process, conducts presentations, and leads workshops on curriculum mapping. She also facilitates the Teaching Online Program and acts as a consultant on course design issues. Patti is a sessional instructor for Werklund School of Education, teaching in the e-learning certificate program.

Patti worked as an instructional designer for nine years before moving into her current role. Her interest in instructional design was sparked early in her career as a teacher working in northern communities, where she discovered most classroom materials weren’t appropriate to Inuit learners and required revision. Her doctoral dissertation studied a blended faculty development program to see how the face-to-face and online learning communities contributed to participants’ learning. Patti’s research interests include faculty development and the learning sciences.

  • Li, Q., Moorman, L., & Dyjur, P. (2010). Inquiry-based learning and e-mentoring via videoconference: A study of mathematics and science learning of Canadian rural students. Educational Technology Research and Development, 58(6), 729-753. doi: 10.1007/s11423-010-9156-3.
  • Dyjur, P., & Li, Q., (2010). A study of designing an inquiry-based unit in mathematics and science. Journal on School Educational Technology, Mar – May(2010).
  • Li, Q., Dyjur, P., Nicholson, N., & Moorman, L. (2009). Using videoconferencing to provide mentorship in inquiry-based urban and rural secondary classrooms. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 35(3), Fall 2009. Retrieved from
  • Online Authentic Learning and Student Assessment, 2014 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching.
  • Using Rubrics to Grade an Online Discussion Board, 2014 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching.
  • Cohort Faculty Development and Deep and Surface Learning Approaches, Collaborating for Learning Conference in Higher Education, May, 2013.
  • Collaborating as an E-Learning Team, Collaborating for Learning Conference in Higher Education, May, 2013.
  • Planning & Delivering an Effective Workshop (May 2011). Canadian Health Libraries Association Annual Conference, Calgary.