2017 Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching

2017 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching

May 2-3, 2017

Creating a Learning Culture:  Conversations that Matter

Conversations are the foundation of human relationships. A meaningful conversation – or a conversation that matters – can transcend culture and inspire us to explore, discuss and share. It is also the heart of teaching and learning. Palmer (2007) provides us guidelines to consider intentional conversations with colleagues to create a shared understanding of a teaching community. Likewise, Roxa & Mårtensson (2009) and Roxa, Mårtensson & Alveteg (2011) introduce us to the world of private, intellectual, and trustful conversations among a network of colleagues that can create and change learning culture.  A model to include student voices in the teaching and learning conversation is explored by Werder, Ware, Thomas & Skogsbert (2010). What conversations do you have about teaching and learning? About creating a learning culture? 

We will discover together how these conversations create opportunities for teaching development and better understanding of student learning at the 2017 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, Creating a Learning Culture: Conversations that Matter. After the conference, it is our hope that delegates will continue the conversation to influence the collaboration, change and culture around learning and teaching.

Overall Conference Goal:

To provide an opportunity for academic staff, students, staff and post-doctoral scholars to share, critically examine and build on our collective knowledge of learning and teaching. 

2017 Keynote Speakers:

Opening Plenary
Dawn Johnson, Jennifer Lock, Leslie Reid, Associate Deans Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary

Keynote Speaker
Katarina Mårtensson, Lund University, Sweden 


Please download the Call for Proposals Guide.

Submit your proposal here.

Supporting documentation:

Join us to engage in purposeful and meaningful conversations that matter in learning and teaching. All members of the academic community – academic staff, staff, students and post-doctoral fellows — are invited to share their experiences, practices and research in our collective journey of exploring the how, why and when of conversations, with colleagues, students and leaders, can influence our learning and teaching culture.

Where appropriate, we encourage students as presenters and/or co-presenters. Some of the questions you might address include:

  • How do we engage students and colleagues in meaningful conversations about learning and teaching?
  • What does a ‘conversation that matters’ in the classroom look like?
  • How have conversations with students changed your teaching practices? 
  • What kinds of conversations help to create a a learning culture in our courses and programs?
  • How do conversations with our students about their learning experiences help them become more effective learners?
  • How do conversations impact student engagement and learning?
  • When and how do we promote conversations about learning and teaching within, among and beyond disciplines?
  • How do learning spaces, environment and technologies shape the conversations we have about learning and teaching?
  • How do conversations influence and/or strengthen the classroom, department and institutional learning cultures?
  • Who leads conversations that matter in learning and teaching?
  • Where and why do meaningful conversations about learning and teaching occur?
  • How can institutions, and individuals support purposeful and meaningful conversations to cultivate a learning culture?

Palmer, P. (2007). The courage to teach guide for reflection and renewal.  San Francisco CA: Jossey-Bass.
Roxa, T., & Martensson, K. (2009).  Significant conversations and significant networks – exploring the backstage of the teaching arena. Studies in Higher Education, 34(5), 547-559.
Roxa. T., Martensson, K., & Alveteg, M. (2011) Understanding and influencing teaching and learning culture at university: a network approach. Higher Education, 62, 99-111.
Werder, C., Ware, L., Thomas C., & Skogsbert, E. (2010). Students in parlor talk on teaching and learning conversational scholarship. In C. Werder, & M. Otis, (Eds), Engaging student voices in the study of teaching and learning (16-31).  Sterling VA: Stylus Publishing.

May 2, 2017 - 8:00am to May 3, 2017 - 3:00pm
Registration Costs apply
Event Category 
Educational Development
Workshop for 