Course Trailer Workshop

If you had between 2 and 4 minutes to introduce your learners to the course you’ll be teaching, what would you say about it and how would you say it?                                                                         

Much like a movie trailer, a course trailer is a short video that uses multi-media to provide information about the course with the intention of engaging the learner. Take a look at two course trailer examples:
Course trailers have been around for several years. More recently, The Chronicle of Higher Education featured an article on the increasing use of course trailers and their potential to increase student engagement, cultivate an appreciation for visual learning, and build connections to a wider scholarly community (Gross, 2015).
The process of creating a course trailer can help you conceptualize your overarching goals for the course, communicate why your course is important, provoke student learning, and share how your course aims to spark student engagement and involvement.
This interactive workshop will introduce course trailers as an engagement strategy and help you to begin the process of storyboarding to conceptualize your course, reflect on a narrative and style, and experiment with technology. Prior to the workshop, please view this Adobe Spark Page to learn more about Course Trailers and see more trailers created by UCalgary instructors!
Special note: If you have one, please bring your course outline with you to the workshop and a mobile device (phone, iPad, Surface, etc.)

We’re looking forward to seeing you!

Reference: Gross, A., D. (2015). To Attract Students, Professors Produce Hollywood Style Previews. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

April 20, 2017 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Learning Studio F (TI 250)
Max Attendees 
No Cost
Event Category 
Technology Integration
Workshop for 
Sign up for Course Trailer Workshop