Explorations in Contemplative Pedagogy

The Explorations in Contemplative Pedagogy Book Club meets the last Tuesday of every month until May 2017 (excluding Dec 2016). Join us for a short contemplative experiential exercise followed by a shared exploration of the text:
Barbezat, D., & Bush, M. (2014). Contemplative practices in higher education : Powerful methods to transform teaching and learning, The Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series (pp. xxiii, 231 pages). Retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/lib/ucalgary/reader.actio...

Registration is required for all or single sessions. If you do not have a chance to read the chapter under discussion, come anyway! Any and all faculty at any stage of developing or cultivating an interest in contemplative approaches to teaching and learning are welcome. For more information about this series and the budding Community of Practice in Contemplative Pedagogy on D2L, please email Rachael Crowder at rcrowder@ucalgary.ca

The following schedule outlines the intended chapters for discussion for each month.

Fall Focus:  Theoretical and Practical Considerations

  • November 29, 2016: Ch 3 & 4: CP in Practice; Teacher Prep, Classroom Challenges

Winter Focus:  Contemplative Practices

  • January 31, 2017: Ch 5: Mindfulness
  • February 28, 2017: Ch 6: CP Approaches to Reading & Writing
  • March 28, 2017: Ch 7: Deep Listening and Seeing (Beholding)
  • April 25, 2017: Ch 8: Contemplative Movement
  • May 30, 2017: Ch 9: Compassion and Lovingkindness

At the completion of this series, participants will gain:

  • an understanding of what contemplative pedagogy theories are
  • skills for implementing contemplative approaches into classroom teaching & learning within their level of competence
  • knowledge about and opportunity to participate in the growing community of practice in contemplative pedagogy at the University of Calgary

Rachael Crowder is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at the University in Calgary (UC), Southern Alberta Region. She began her formal teacher training in mindfulness based interventions (MBI) in June 2006 with Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn and later with Dr. Zindel Segal. Her current research interests include the role of mindfulness in trauma therapy, in building resilience to prevent burnout in social workers, and contemplative pedagogy in higher education. She currently holds a Teaching Scholars Program award to develop a Community of Practice in Contemplative Pedagogy through the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary.

May 30, 2017 - 9:00am to 10:30am
Learning Studio F (TI 250)
Guest Presenter(s) 
Rachael Crowder PhD RSW, Teaching Scholar
Max Attendees 
No Cost
Event Category 
Educational Development
Workshop for 
Sign up for Explorations in Contemplative Pedagogy