Open Classroom Week - PHYS 271

Open Classroom Week gives instructors the opportunity to observe what others are doing in their classrooms and engage in conversations about teaching with their colleagues. A number of instructors will open their classroom doors to allow their colleagues to watch them teach and observe their approaches to different classroom settings, teaching practices, technology applications and learning experiences.

PSYS 271 -  How Things Work
Location: Taylor Institue: Learning Studio D and E

Instructor: David Feder
Course description: Physics behind many common devices will be discussed. Topics will be chosen from among the following: the use of simple and compound machines; waves, sound, acoustics; light and optics; household electric circuitry; magnetism.

Observers can expect to see teaching strategies including: flipped approach, small group work, demonstrations, problem solving (individual or group), class discussion and personal response systems (clickers, TopHat, Kahoot, etc). 

March 6, 2017 - 2:00pm to 2:45pm
Max Attendees 
No Cost
Sign up for Open Classroom Week - PHYS 271