CDCI and director Jay Cross featured in Canadian Cattlemen

A global approach to research: Straight from the Hip with Brenda Schoepp


For many years our industry had yearned in the research world for what was called a systems approach: the transparent collection or series of projects toward an end with a strong tech transfer component. And now at the University of Calgary we have in motion the College of Discovery, Creativity and Innovation (CDCI) which exceeds our systems thinking.

Global in perspective, the CDCI offers a platform for discussion, discovery and research that attracts students from every discipline who will seek solutions to a set of questions that are presented to them. The first question of “How to feed nine billion” is already in motion and the global challenges course is set out for first year students.

At the helm is Dr. Jay Cross, founding director for the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute for Child and Maternal Health, and who is known to folks in our industry as associate dean (research) of the faculty of veterinary medicine....
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