University Course-Based Inquiry Projects

The Taylor Institute's first-floor customizable learning spaces are dedicated to intentional teaching and learning projects in University of Calgary courses.


The learning spaces are available for classes held Monday through Friday between 8am and 5pm.  (Due to the Taylor Institute's staffing capacity and the building's open hours, instructors will need to make special arrangements for any final exams scheduled outside of these times.)

Anyone using these spaces should first read the Principles and Policies for Taylor Institute Spaces.

Application Process

To manage the requests for such projects, the Taylor Institute has established an application process based on the proposed use of the space, the methods for evaluating its impact on teaching and learning, and its plan for sharing the impact with the University of Calgary community. The Taylor Institute Learning Spaces Committee reviews applications and makes allocations based on the strength of applications and schedule availability. To support the most effective use of these spaces, the Committee will refer successful applicants to Taylor Institute faculty and staff for potential consultations. These instructors will also become part of a Learning Spaces Community of Practice. 

To Apply

To apply to teach your university course in the Taylor Institute, please fill out the online application form.

Application Deadlines

  • Spring 2017 & Summer 2017: Applications accepted between January 9 - February 17, 2017
  • Fall 2017 & Winter 2018: Applications accepted between March 6 - May 31, 2017

Conducting Research in the Taylor Institute Learning Spaces

The Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board (CFREB) wants to inform all instructors planning scholarship of teaching and learning research projects involving humans that ethics approval may be required.  See the CFREB's "Ethical Considerations for Research in University of Calgary Courses."  (The Taylor Institute also has information about ethical SoTL in its SoTL Guide.)  If you are unsure that your teaching project in the Taylor Institute requires ethics approval please contact the CFREB. Please note that the CFREB is your primary contact for any questions or comments related to ethics approval processes (; 403-210-9863).


Learning Spaces Map and Capacity


Room Capacity
Learning Studio A 40
Learning Studio B 30
Learning Studio C 35
Learning Studio AB 70
Learning Studio BC 65
Learning Studio ABC 105
Learning Studio D 25
Learning Studio E 40
Learning Studio DE 65
Forum (Flat floor) 132