Congress 2016 at the Taylor Institute

Congress 2016 at the Taylor Institute:  Teaching and Learning in Action

The Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning offers "Teaching and Learning in Action," a week of special programming and activities for all Congress attendees. Rest, relax, and recharge in our amazing spaces; attend some engaging workshops from our fantastic staff; and tour our brand new building and the rest of the campus's active learning spaces.  See below for details.  Come see us!  [ Download a printable flyer of this schedule. ]

Daily Relax, Rest, & Recharge

Morning Meditation

Daily (May 30-June 2) from 8-8:30am in the Upper Level of the Taylor Institute 
Start your day with guided mindfulness meditation in our beautiful contemplative space in the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, led by our own Teaching Scholar in Contemplative Pedagogy, Dr. Rachael Crowder, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work. Rachael is a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher and teacher-trainer, and has been offering mindfulness-based interventions in the community since 2006 through No previous meditation experience required.  [ No registration required. ]

Rest & Recharge

Daily (May 30-June 3) from 8:30am-4:30pm in the Taylor Institute's Reflection Loft
Take the opportunity to recharge your mind and personal electronic devices in this quiet and cozy space on the 2nd floor of the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning. Drop in anytime during the day while at Congress.


Teaching Controversial Issues

May 30 (9:30-11:30am) in the Taylor Institute's Learning Space F (TI250) 
At the heart of any university is a mandate to create the appropriate conditions in which exploration, debate, and research on a wide variety of subjects, including those that may be controversial, can be realized. In the humanities and social sciences in particular, our courses frequently venture into controversial terrain where considerable teaching and learning challenges can arise. In this case-based interactive session, we will consider ways to maximize student engagement and learning on controversial issues by sharing strategies to: create an inclusive learning environment; prepare for and lead respectful, engaged discussions; and handle challenges and emotional responses should they occur. Workshop facilitators: Carol Berenson (Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning) and Valerie Pruegger (Director of Office of Equity, Diversity and Protected Disclosure).   Register for this workshop. ]

Active Learning Lab

May 31 (2-3pm) in the Taylor Institute's Learning Space F (TI250)
Interaction is one of the key components to creating an engaging learning environment. In this session, the presenters will demonstrate purposeful use of technology to engage students in meaningful and collaborative activities. Throughout the session, participants will explore the opportunities and challenges of using eLearning tools in their discipline. Workshop facilitators: Haboun Bair (Instructional Design Specialist, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning), Isadora Mok-Kulakova (Online Learning Environment Lead, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning), and Lin Yu (Learning and Instructional Designer, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning).   Register for this workshop. ]

Disciplinary Inquiry in the Classroom: Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)

June 2 (2-3:30pm) in the Taylor Institute's Learning Space F (TI250) 
In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL): what is it? What does it look like? How do you get started? Where do you go from there? Participants will explore how engaging in SoTL can enrich and extend disciplinary inquiry into the classroom. Workshop facilitators: Nancy Chick (Academic Director of the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning & University Chair in Teaching and Learning) and Robin Mueller (Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning).      Register for this workshop. ]


Tours of the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

May 30 (10:30-11:30am), June 1 (2-3pm), & June 3 (10:30-11:30am) -- Meet in the Taylor Institute Atrium
The Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning was designed to foster collaboration and active learning, and to support the scholarship of teaching and learning through evaluation of innovative pedagogies and activities. This tour will showcase a wide variety of spaces in the Institute, including flexible learning spaces and venues for public scholarly activities. Tour by D’Arcy Norman (Manager, Technology Integration Group, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning).    [ No registration required. ]

Tours of UCalgary's Active Learning Spaces

May 31 (10:30-11:30am) & June 2 (2-3) -- Meet in the Taylor Institute Atrium  
Explore some of the unique learning spaces all over the University of Calgary’s main campus. Participants can expect to see spaces which facilitate active learning, innovation, and creativity for a wide variety of our disciplines. Tour by Leanne Wu (Technology Integration Specialist, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning).   [ No registration required. ]